Tuesday, 1 October 2019


Before i describing about pharmacy i want to say about its history.....

Sushruta the ancient doctor wrote a book about medicinal substances and according to him the book also named as Sushruta Samhita in 6th century BC.

What is pharmacy?  

Pharmacy is a sceince ot technique to dispense,preparing,manufacturing and reviwing of drug and providing additional clinical services.

It is a part of Medical science and part of a sector related to Health.
The aim of the profession is to give the drug in safe,Quality and easier way to patients without any side effects.

The drugs are manufactured by pharmaceutical industries.
Based on the reqirement and its use pharmacy sector divided into lot of divisions 
                             Pharmacy itself
                  Than  clinical pharmacy
                  Than  Pharmacovigilance
                  Than  Medical Coding
                  Than Pharmaindustry
                  Than  Hospital pharmacy

                                                              i.e Symbol Of Pharmacy 

                               In Rx,"R"stands for the latin word recipe,meaning "Take".


Other Name                                                                Pharmacist,Chemist,
                                                                                     Doctor Of pharmacy

Occupation                                                                  It can be Professional or own business

Activity Sectors                                                         Health care,Health sciences,
                                                                                    Chemical sciences,Pharma industry
                                                                                    Medical coding,Pharmacovigilance
                                                                                    Regulatory Affairs,Formulation and Devlopment
                                                                                    Reasearch and devlopment


Education Required                          Diploma of Pharmacy
                                                          Bachelor Of pharmacy
                                                          Master Of Pharmacy

Related Jobs                                   Doctor,Pharmacist
                                                       Getting Job In Pharmaindustry
                                                       Medical Coder


There are many divisions in pharmacy profession 




                                              4.Pharmachemistry(Medicinal Chemistry)

                                              5. PA & QA



 Currently as per new research made by WHO  there are 269900 peaple are employed as pharmacist in a year.

And there are approx 600,000 reatils outlets for medicine sale and supplyin india.

And as per WHO there are 2.6 million pharmacists worldwide.








Saturday, 21 September 2019


Love is a unconditional and unique from any other relation.Love has no defination,But i forced to write the topic because now-a-days love is blind and no one can understand the value of true love.

Love is different types now-a-days ,It becomes     Sexual
                                                                                Short term based,,,, ,,,,,,,,

I will describe now all types of loves but dont be emotional and be angry because it is the truth we will do in this society now-a-days without understanding truth behind it.

Now a days all of the mans in community in this modern society they are making fun of the true love and playing with the love.

In private companies the employees in higher posts take benifits of  woman society working in lower posts ,they are using love as commercial tool.

Sometimes love becomes conditional depend upon the needy things for the irls.

Now all the society becomes polluted .Every people becomes the polluted person and becomes selfish in ll work using love as tool for his selfishness.

Love does not mean that you should onlu love only any girls.

If we go to ancient history
                           The great Sraban kumar gave his best example showing his love towards his parents by taking his  blind parents on his elbow.

But now a days the love towards parents gradually decreasing ,all the persons working in outside his motherland gradually left his parents in his native place.

The society forgot that ,the man society forgot that once he was loved by that parents one day that parents and now he do not look after their parents and do a big mistake. 



Sunday, 8 September 2019


Smile is a precious and unique things,Smile if you see on a another face than you feel very happy .

Now a days this unique things is very rare because every one creating fake smile in oreder to show someone feeliing happy but from inner heart he is not.

This case of creating fake smile you can find mostly in professional field in order to make happy their bosses.

But actually smile is that smile you can find in little child face if you offer him something he or she really need.

If you want to see a smile than you help a poor one help him either giving food or clothes and needy things to him and than you can see the actual smile.

Really if you help some poor child his or her smile is coming from the inner heart and you also feel so relax and receive blessing from god.
Smile is a thing that comes from the interior side from the core of the heart that gives a another feeling in the face and gives a different face.


Muslim league was operating by British Government .All the money for the muslim league was coming from British Government.

Mohammed Ali Zinha was not appreciated by Muslims and he was not the leader of muslims because his activity was not according to the muslim community.

He ate pork meat and and drunk alcohol and Borrowed money from the others,all the activity was against the muslim community,thats why muslims community hated him .and also muslims didnot respect him as a muslim leader.

Muslims ignored and hated Mohaamad Ali Zinha in such a way that Once in Lahore there was a meeting and Mohammad Ali Zinhagave his speech to muslims but all the muslims got angry and insulted him by made black his Face.

Thats why British Government to break the unity of indians made Mohammad Ali Zinha as a muslims leader.

Mohammad Ali Zinha was the leader British government not the muslims.

So British Government started highlight him in his Newspaper THE TIMES OF INDIA,which was published by England in such a way that even Mohammad Ali Zinha suffered from fever also The Times Of India published his news in his front paper.

British Government started planning about the division India and choose two of our ancient leaders One is Jawahar Lal Nehru and Mohammad Ali Zinha and Edmina Mount Baiten from England because all were studied in one Harris College ,London and Mohammad Ali Zinha and Nehru ji both loved Edmina.and they are became the enemy of eachother for Edmina.

After the study Mohammad Ali Zinha and Nehru ji came india and they were failed to start their carrier in Law.

Than Motilal Nehru ji started a new party named SWARAJ party with british government and Nehru.He thought that after the independence when british left india transferring of power to be happened and Nehru becomes the Chief Minister.

On the other hand British Government told Edmina to marry Lord Mount Baiten and went to india for the game to be play eith NEHRUJI and Mohammad Ali Zinha ji.

It was in history and Lord mount Baiten wrote in his biography that his marriage was not actual and he even not slept with Edmina a night also.So all are the game for India division.

And the most amazing thing and surprised to hear all of my article visitors is that Nehruji and Mohaamad Ali Zinhaji were being a such personality even they drunk,dance and smoke with Edmina.

Edmina took photograph with Mohammd Ali Zinha and Nehruji while smoking,,Dancing & Drinking.

In the 3rd july 1947,Nehru ji went to Edmina and she blckmailed Nehruji for photographs.and Edmina asked Nehruji to signed on the paper for division of IND-PAK made by British Government and blackmailed him that if he didnot signed on paper than the photographs were to be printed on the TIMES OF INDIA in front page .

And lastly in 3rd july 1947 at 3 am night time Nehruji signed on the paper for division of country.

And again Edmina called Mohammad Ali Zinha and did the same as Nehruji and zinha ji also did the same ,he also signed on the pape

Due to some reasons i can not post the intimate photographs of Nehruji and Edmina  but if you search in the google you can find the images.

When Mahatma Gandhi ji got the news about the division he was became sad .

One untold fact and unknown fact about Gandhiji was that he beat his own head on the wall while he was in sad mood and did the same.

And mahatma Gandhiji than called Mohammad Ali Zinha and asked him why he signed on the paper of india division than he said that if ganhiji allowed to make him as the first prime minister of india than he agreed to made a ephidebit .

And how cheap our Nehruji you can know now from my next line that he totally disagreed with Mahatma Gandhi and told Gandhiji that he would be the first PM.

Than Gandhiji made a vote in congress comitteee comprising 15 memebers at that time .

And the most amazing thing was that only one vote goes to Nehruji ,13 votes goes to Sadar Vallav bhai patel ji and one leader named (Anugraha Narayana Sinha) from patna,Bihar was absent on that day.

Means again by voting system also Nehruji defeated infront of majority than Nehruji how cheif he was that he threatened Mahatma Gandhiji to broke congress because  as per British government Nehruji was the next Prime Minister against the transfer of power system.

Mahatma Gadhiji ignored him and went away far from him and even he did not attended Nehrujis Oath Ceremony and at that time Gandhiji was in Nuakhali of Bengal(Curently it is in Bangladesh).

In other words if we say Nehruji and all like leaders are Black British Government after the Fair British Government rule over the India .

For those cheif ancient and Selfish and characterless political leader now the india is in problem.
But still people of india worshiped them like a god .

Please  read all the lines and if you think i am wrong than please comment on my post.

Tuesday, 3 September 2019


POLITICS i think all know about the politics of India.But some few people know about the history and unknown facts about our former politicians in the last century .

Actually i think the condition, economy & growth of country totally depends upon the leading politicians.

In other words if you say integrity of politician plays a vital role in our country reputation..

Many respected ,dignified and honored politicians born in our country.But they are assassinated or killed in politics due to some reason.

My motto is to write  some different  content that's why i will presents you here..If you give some comment on my post than you can.

I want to tell about our Late Lal bahadur sashtri ,the holy man and our former prime minister whose muder was a mystry.


On 8 jan 1966 our indian army had  a great victory upon Lahore and  at least in one month whole pakistan would be the part of india .

Lal bahadur shastri told  freely to our indian army about winning over pakistan .One person only at that time to whom powerful  USA also fearred to him .

At that time pakistan requested to America to protect the country from indian army.

America wisely threatened  Lal bahadur shastri to stop the war over pakistan and told that if he did not stop indian army for war than the government america stop exporting PL-480(Atype of wheat).

Basically at that time wheat production in our country is very less thats why india imports wheat from America, ,(PL-480)


 Behind PL-480  there is a different story.PL-480 is the lowest quality if wheat which is red in colour found in America and the most important part is our former prime minister JAWAHARLAL NEHRU ji mde deals for it.

 Some people do not know the actual story about jawaharlal Nehru ji .Actually Nehru ji was a part of  british government .

And the most important topic about the PL-480 is animal also did not eat the least quality of wheat(PL-480) in america and our repected and most honourable Jawaharlal Nehru ji brought for indians.

 But Lal bahadur shastri was a great and ideal leader and replied america that not to export PL-480.
He told to indians to stop eating food in one time to save wheat. 

At that time INDO-PAK war was going on and money required for our soldiers and to save our economy of our country Lal bahadur sashtri took some decisions to save it.

He told to our indians to not to waste money unnecessarily and he started from himself from his expenditure.

Sashtriji stopped his maids and tutor for his son and also in wasting money in his clothes.

Integrity  of politician reflects from his carrier that all indians obeyed him.

But other politicians in our country at that time feel jealous upon him and activities and they were connected with British government and foreign enemies and try to killed him .

And really it was a very sad matter that he was murdered by some of our dirty politicians and dirty politics.

On 10 jan 1966 Sashtriji had gone to pakistan to TASHKENT or Tashkent Rajinama where some killed by our dirty polticians by giving poison in his milk.

But our dirty politicians  were  not limited to that much ..After sashtriji was killed and his death body brought to the india,Sashtriji family is not allowed to saw his body .And the congress committe members declared his deth as a heart attack.

.Even the post mortem also not done to his body for knowing actual reason.

This is our Indian politicians to whom we belive so much and gives him power to rule over our country.



In the early stage of freedom fighting ,Africa divided into so many pieces by english people to break the unity of country.

They also decided to divide the country 565 pieces of india , they also break the unity of our country by making the division and separation.

English people motivated our indians to br the part of division of the country but sardar  vallabh bhai patel denied the indians and also told the kings of our country not to be the part of our country .

Except three states  i.e Jammu & kashmir, Junagarh,,Hydrabad all the states agreed by sardar vallabh bhai patel beacuse all three states had nizam and muslim king at that time and all three states decided to mixed with Pakistan.

For the helping of muslims king english people uses Mohaamad Ali Zinha for division of  country into pieces.

English people gave fund to Muslim from Bengal and Bihar to help them for division.,Being motivated by one of bengali muslim soharabadi asked for Pakistan after 1937 .

In 1939-1942 second world war was going on and Germany defeated England and Europe brutally.
English people decided to left india In 1946 and talked about Transfer Of Power and moyivated Mohammed Ali Zinha for pakistan.

But being a strong man ,Gandhiji and Sardar Vallabh Bhai patel ji denied his proposal.

Than english people started killing  the Hindus  in bengal with sword.

Sardar Vallabh bhai patel try to made the three states to mixed with india and made a survey in Hydrabad for people opinion.

97%  people of hydrabad intrested to mix with india so ardarji told Nizam of hydrabad to went alone to pak if he wanted to mix with Pakistan.

On the other hand Pak attacked J&k and beacause of few soldeirs in J&k ,the people of J&K defeated infront of them and asked for help infront sardarji

Sardarji told J&K that he helped the state in one condition if the country want to mixedwith India.But J&K agreed and Sardar ji sent indian army to J&K defeated the pak army.



Thursday, 29 August 2019


Before going to make understand about the failure and success i will try to make understand you the main thing that  a human being fears about and that is  BOUNCE BACK..

 Every human being in this society face failure and every human being have weakness that creates a barrier to success and for this we can not BOUNCE BACK  again in our daily life and we demotivated in our life.

Bounce back is a important part and we can not easily get it ...so there are some greatest personality in this society we can follow them.....

          Never give up for the weakness in you, make your weakness a bridge to success and BOUNCE BACK again for success.

    6 ft 3 inches man once rejected by his rude and loud voice by All India radio in his Carrier.But he never demotivate himself .

  Amitabh bachan rejected by several directors and was not getting job and any acting by the movie directors by his  heavy voice.

 But in 1969 he made his debut in Saat Hindustani and  won National award for that movie.
Than he made his record in Zanjeer, Anand movies.



When swami prabhupada went to   New york to hight light our holy book GITA .He faced a lot of problems because he had no money at that time ,

He was living in road with hippis,the most wicked persons in USA ,,,,The hippis iritates swamiji ,
They stole swamijis things.But swamiji kep patience.

  In USA no one ready to hear the GITA, the holy book...but swamiji didnot went back in that old age also he  fought against the  most extreame condition.

He  BOUNCE BACK again and started his carrier of made understand the GITA to that Hippis,the most dangerous and wicked person ..

He transefered them by his difficult steps by keeping his patience himself.

Slowly slowly he made popular himself and worshipped as a messenger of god....

 So we have to Bounce Back  in every situation to  overcome any problems..





Wednesday, 28 August 2019


CG screen.....all the pharma peoples better know about the word and they are familiar with .
But here are some important facts about CG screen discussed below.

                                                                       CG screen (Ciba Grill Screen ) 


CG screen are generally placed below the HEPA filter for different purposes
                                   It allows unidirectional Air flow.

                                   It allows the air to enter the rooms with very low turbulence.

                                   It reduce the velocity to minimum i.e 0.45m/s.
                                   It allows very low pressure drop.
                                   It allows frre choce of flow direction.

                                   It allows cost reduction.

                                   It allows  optimal protection to process areas like GRADE A area.



        Membrane Material

                         CG screens are  generaaly made up of 
                                                     1 .Woven polupylene monofilament
                                                     2. Membrane fabric

         Membrane Weight
                          CG screens weight about   0.38 lbs
                                       Per square foot      1.85 kg/m2

                          Laminarity :0.03 inch to 0.1 W.G


                            CG screens are different types
          Membrane fabric is  classified as a " Grade A " product.
          Membrane fabric is stretched tight into a anodized aluminum frame.









Thursday, 22 August 2019

What are the most visiting contents for successful traffics................

Today i want tell you the most important visiting contents to gain more sucesssful traffics.
Now a days fashion is more important for man and woman both and if you see in most searched topic ,beuty is more searched topic.......What are the most important type...

Dont worry......

Here are the most searched and important contents for blog writing or getting more traffics....

            1.Fashion blogs ,Fashion blogs are one of the most popular types..
            2.Food blogs ,Food blogs are another popular blog type...
            3.Travel Blogs.
            4.Music blogs..
            5.Life style blog..
            6.Fitness blogs..
            7.DIY blogs..
            8.Sports blog...
            9.Finance blog..
            10.Political blogs..
            11.Parenting blog
             12.Busmiess blog..
            13.Personal blog..
            14.Movie blogs..
            15 Car Blog..........so on


Wednesday, 21 August 2019


PAIN  is a very common thing and face by everybody like by animals and human being in this world.
When a human being faced  pain it is very serious issue and it was published in the social network and shown to everybody and every body helps that injured or pained person .

BUT in case of animals  when a animal getting pain why al human beings near to it or near the suroundings help that animal ,why that animal to be cured by taking it to nearest veternary hospital or cured by giving medicine

Please think   if the all the human beings cut by the chickens i the shop like chicken cut by human being.

Please think if the all the human beings are locked in a rom like cattle........what wiil happen.
Please think if the all the human beings are bitten by animals instead of we bit them...then what will happens..

Please go throgh the below given URL you can think yourself how we tortoured the animals
You can know easily by watching this........


Tuesday, 20 August 2019

WOMAN --- the most important part ........

Woman ...the most important part of our whole life..they always helpful for us in every part our life in every moments.
 Like in the childhood in the form of mother teach us the good things,Feed us ,and protect us from the unexpected surroundings.
and in our adult stage in the form wife they play a vital part role in our life till to death.
In the form of wife they always be with us in the case of sadneess and happiness whatever may be the situation.


There are many examples  lesson we can learnt that if woman society neglected than there might be chance for destruction of world or that empire.

We all know better about the RAMAYANA where the lord holy Sita gave Agniparikshya to Rama and Lord Rama made doubt on the Holy Sita.Being a avatar of Lord Vishnu ,Rama if he was not rescued from the womans curse than normal people can not rescued from the womans curse.

There is a saying in Sanskrit ,

From the above example we all know that everywhere ,in every time and every place if woman get disrespected than all the kingdoms destroyed you can see in example in Ramayana and Mahabharata.


Before i describing about pharmacy i want to say about its history..... Sushruta the ancient doctor wrote a book about medicinal substanc...