Before i describing about pharmacy i want to say about its history.....
Sushruta the ancient doctor wrote a book about medicinal substances and according to him the book also named as Sushruta Samhita in 6th century BC.
Sushruta the ancient doctor wrote a book about medicinal substances and according to him the book also named as Sushruta Samhita in 6th century BC.
What is pharmacy?
Pharmacy is a sceince ot technique to dispense,preparing,manufacturing and reviwing of drug and providing additional clinical services.
It is a part of Medical science and part of a sector related to Health.
The aim of the profession is to give the drug in safe,Quality and easier way to patients without any side effects.
The drugs are manufactured by pharmaceutical industries.
Based on the reqirement and its use pharmacy sector divided into lot of divisions
Pharmacy itself
Than clinical pharmacy
Than Pharmacovigilance
Than Medical Coding
Than Pharmaindustry
Than Hospital pharmacy
i.e Symbol Of Pharmacy
In Rx,"R"stands for the latin word recipe,meaning "Take".
Other Name Pharmacist,Chemist,
Doctor Of pharmacy
Occupation It can be Professional or own business
Activity Sectors Health care,Health sciences,
Chemical sciences,Pharma industry
Medical coding,Pharmacovigilance
Regulatory Affairs,Formulation and Devlopment
Reasearch and devlopment
Education Required Diploma of Pharmacy
Bachelor Of pharmacy
Education Required Diploma of Pharmacy
Bachelor Of pharmacy
Master Of Pharmacy
Related Jobs Doctor,Pharmacist
Getting Job In Pharmaindustry
Medical Coder
Getting Job In Pharmaindustry
Medical Coder